1000 Movies
This is not a "top 1000 best movies ever made" list. There are plenty of those out there. These are the top 1000 movies that have had...

Everything in 2016
It's over. I actually managed to catalog every movie, book, TV show, video game, and new band that I watched, read, played, or listened...

The Stone - A Short Story
One day, a man turned to stone. It started slowly at first. That morning, he awoke to find his fingertips were stone. But it soon spread...

Music - A Short Story
It was late when I got the call, late enough for me to already be sobering up from the night’s festivities. It was an old buddy of mine...

Be A Volcano - An Editorial
I haven’t had much time to add anything to this site as of late, on account of being too busy doing things to spend time talking about...

Art School - An Editorial
“A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying… that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.” ...

The Story of the Elephant - An Editorial
Just something I found while perusing the internets. Felt it was a worthwhile repost. I apologize that I don’t know the original...

Job Title: Professional Adventurer - An Editorial
Indiana Jones can suck it. There was a time not too long ago that I was on tour as a drummer in a rock band. What band it was doesn’t...

Naked - A Short Story
We met in a hotel bar. I was on a business trip, just arriving. She, also on a business trip, but was on her last night in town. Just two...

Water - A Short Story
“I hear water next door…” …she whispered in his ear. He opened his eyes. It was late, or early. Either way, he could barely see her....